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Hire a Laravel Developer: Top Strategies

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The web development industry is witnessing a surge in demand for skilled experts, a trend driven by Laravel's growing popularity and its robust capabilities in building scalable web applications. Hence, as businesses strive to enhance their online presence, engaging proficient developers becomes increasingly critical. These professionals are pivotal in leveraging the full potential of the framework, ensuring that projects are completed efficiently and meet high standards of quality and innovation. 

This article provides top strategies for hiring top-tier Laravel developers, highlighting the importance of aligning their skills with your project's specific needs. As we explore this topic, we'll provide insights into identifying the right talents to propel your projects to success.

What Is Laravel?

Laravel is a sophisticated PHP framework designed for web application development. It simplifies routing, authentication, and caching tasks, making it a preferred choice for programmers seeking an efficient tool for building modern web apps.

This framework has carved out a significant niche, evidenced by its widespread adoption and preference among developers. Data from Google Trends highlight its growing popularity as it consistently ranks high for its elegant syntax, comprehensive features, and strong community support. [1] 

Its appeal also lies in simplifying complex coding tasks, making development more manageable and scalable. This popularity is further bolstered by its ecosystem, which includes a range of tools and packages that streamline various processes. Simply put, the framework's emphasis on clean, maintainable code and its alignment with modern web development practices have made it a go-to choice for both startups and established companies.

What Laravel Can Be Use For

As also highlighted above, Laravel is versatile, enabling professionals to create a wide range of web applications, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce sites. Its comprehensive set of tools supports rapid development and deployment, allowing for the creation of high-quality, flexible, and secure web solutions. 

Its ORM, Eloquent, simplifies database interactions, while its MVC architecture ensures a clean separation of logic and presentation. Additionally, its extensive library of packages and its ability to integrate with various APIs and services make it ideal for building custom applications tailored to distinct business needs.

What Is a Laravel Developer?

A Laravel developer is an expert who leverages the framework's streamlined syntax and robust features to create effective, expandable, and secure web solutions that align with modern website development standards.

Responsibilities of a Laravel Developer

Below are some of the duties of a Laravel expert:

  • Application Development: Primarily, the developers are responsible for creating, testing, and maintaining web apps. This involves understanding client requirements, designing application architecture, and implementing functionalities using Laravel's rich set of features.
  • Database Management: They handle database interactions, including designing, querying, and maintaining databases. Proficiency in SQL and experience with Eloquent ORM are crucial for efficient data management and ensuring integrity.
  • Front-end Integration: The developers often work on integrating the back-end functionalities with front-end interfaces. This requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and sometimes front-end frameworks like Vue.js or React to create responsive and user-friendly sites.
  • Performance Optimisation: They are tasked with optimising the performance of the applications. This includes enforcing caching strategies and using tools for code profiling to enhance application responsiveness and efficiency.
  • Security and Maintenance: Ensuring the safety of web applications is paramount. The experts implement security measures against threats like SQL injection and XSS attacks. Regular updates and maintenance of the applications to fix bugs and improve functionality are also part of their role.
  • Collaboration and Documentation: Effective communication with team members, stakeholders, and clients is essential. They also document the development process, codebase, and system architecture for future reference and team collaboration.

Laravel Experts Skills

Laravel developers possess a unique blend of technical and soft skills essential for developing sophisticated web applications. 




Technical Skills

Proficiency in Laravel Framework

Expertise in Laravel's architecture, including its MVC pattern, routing, and blade templating.

PHP Programming

Strong command of PHP for server-side scripting and application logic.

Front-End Technologies

Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is essential for creating interactive user interfaces.

Database Management

Proficiency in SQL and experience with database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.

Version Control Systems

Familiarity with tools like Git for tracking changes and collaborating on code.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Understanding of OOP principles for writing modular and reusable code.

API Development

Skills in creating and managing APIs, using Laravel's built-in features for secure and scalable solutions.

Testing Methodologies

Experience with testing frameworks for ensuring application reliability and performance.

Soft Skills


Ability to analyse and resolve complex issues, ensuring efficient and effective solutions.

Attention to Detail

Meticulous approach to code quality, ensuring accuracy and adherence to best practices.

Communication Skills

Effective in conveying ideas and collaborating with team members and stakeholders.

Time Management

Expertly balancing multiple tasks and meeting project deadlines.

Top Strategies for Hiring Laravel Developers

Hiring experienced professionals involves strategic efforts to ensure you find candidates with the right mix of expertise and experience to meet your project's needs and goals. Below are some essential strategies:

Write Out Your Business Needs 

It's crucial to consider the specific requirements of the task. This involves assessing the complexity of the application, the scale of development, and the technical challenges it may present. Determine whether the project is short-term or requires long-term commitment, and consider the level of expertise needed. 

It's also important to identify if the developer will contribute to defining technical requirements or simply execute predefined tasks. Aside from that, understanding the interaction between the project and other business domains or departments is key. Additionally, consider the existing tech stack and how the application will integrate with current systems and databases.

Write an Effective Job Post

When seeking the ideal programmer for your project, the key lies in crafting a job description that resonates with the right talent. You can begin with a job title that encapsulates the primary role and responsibilities. 

In the description, clearly delineate the required skills and experience. Beyond Laravel expertise, it's important to emphasise proficiency in PHP and OOP, front-end programming skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and adeptness in database management. Also, specify any unique assignment needs or industry-specific knowledge that might be advantageous, such as familiarity with e-commerce platforms or API integration.

Source Skilled Laravel Developers

Exploring a variety of channels to find skilled professionals can significantly increase your chances of discovering the right talent. Here are some effective avenues:

  • Agency: Hiring through an agency like Deazy offers a streamlined approach to finding skilled software professionals. Agencies provide pre-vetted talent, reducing the time and effort involved in the hiring process. 
  • Professional Networking Sites: Platforms like LinkedIn are invaluable for sourcing skilled professionals. They allow you to view detailed profiles, past projects, and endorsements from peers, offering insights into a candidate's expertise and professional network.
  • Freelance Marketplaces: Websites such as Toptal, Upwork, and Freelancer host a plethora of freelance developers. These platforms provide ratings, reviews, and work histories, enabling recruiters to gauge the quality and reliability of potential hires.
  • Tech Job Boards: Specialised job boards like Stack Overflow Jobs, GitHub Jobs, and Authentic Jobs are frequented by experienced developers. Posting your requirements here can attract applicants who are actively seeking new opportunities in the tech industry.
  • Online Developer Communities: Engaging with online communities such as Laracasts or Reddit can connect you with passionate professionals who are up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.
  • Tech Meetups and Conferences: Attending Laravel or PHP conferences, meetups, and workshops can be a direct way to network with programmers. These events are often attended by professionals keen on staying abreast of industry developments and networking opportunities.
  • Referrals: Leveraging your professional network for referrals can lead to trustworthy recommendations. Often, the best candidates come through personal connections and word-of-mouth.

Select Laravel Developers by Experience Level

The table below provides a clear overview of the different levels of Laravel experts, their roles, capacities, and the types of projects to which they are best suited. It highlights the progression from junior to senior levels, emphasising the increasing complexity of tasks and responsibilities at each stage.


Role and Capabilities

Suitability for Projects


  • Capable of making minor decisions in application development, database management, and implementing Laravel technologies. 

  • Requires guidance from senior developers and project managers.

Best suited for small or straightforward projects. 

Can independently develop simple applications, such as a CRM, by primarily utilising first-party packages with Laravel Jetstream.


  • Able to solve common problems with some oversight needed for integrating solutions into projects. 

  • Provides professional opinions, predicts potential issues, and is proficient in writing comprehensive documentation and conducting proper testing. 

  • Demonstrates a higher quality of work compared to junior programmers.

Ideal for moderately complex web applications. 

Balances cost and experience effectively, requires less supervision, and can manage multiple priorities efficiently.


  • Possesses extensive experience in Laravel development, enabling them to lead project initiatives. 

  • Understands business processes, selects appropriate tools for integration, and implements advanced testing methods like Laravel Dusk and PHPUnit. 

  • Knowledgeable in cloud and deployment strategies for scaling projects.

Perfect for large, complex projects with intricate requirements and tight deadlines. 

Offers advanced problem-solving, architectural design, and strategic insights. 

Their expertise ensures efficient, high-quality solutions, including codebase refactoring or integrating business logic.

Which Experience Level to Select?

Selecting mid-level or senior developers often proves to be a prudent choice for companies seeking a balance of experience, skill, and cost-effectiveness. As highlighted above, mid-level professionals bring a robust understanding of Laravel's nuances and are capable of handling more complex tasks than their junior counterparts. They offer a blend of reliability and affordability, making them ideal for projects that demand technical proficiency without the high costs associated with senior programmers.

Senior developers, on the other hand, are invaluable for their depth of experience and strategic insight. Their extensive knowledge covers advanced coding and problem-solving and encompasses project management and architectural design. This level of expertise is pivotal for large-scale, complex assignments where strategic planning and high-level decision-making are paramount. In scenarios where project intricacy, deadline stringency, and quality assurance are critical, investing in a senior developer ensures a higher probability of project success and long-term value.

Choose Between Onshore, Offshore, or Nearshore Laravel Developers

Selecting between onshore, nearshore, and offshore programmers is another important decision based on various factors, including budget, communication needs, and project timelines. Each option presents its own set of advantages and challenges.

Onshore Developers

Opting for onshore programmers means hiring professionals from within your own country. For UK-based companies, this implies collaborating with experts based in the UK. The primary advantage here is the elimination of language barriers and cultural differences, which often facilitates smoother communication and understanding of business needs. Additionally, working in the same time zone can streamline project management and collaboration. However, the cost of hiring onshore tends to be higher compared to nearshore or offshore options.

Nearshore Developers

Nearshoring involves partnering with specialists from countries geographically close to your own. For the USA, this could include countries in Latin and South America, such as Mexico, Brazil, or Argentina. The benefits of nearshore development include relatively similar time zones and cultural affinities, which can enhance communication and workflow efficiency. The cost of hiring nearshore developers is generally lower than onshore but higher than offshore.

Offshore Developers

Offshore development refers to outsourcing work to countries far from your own, often on different continents. Common offshore locations for UK businesses include India, the Philippines, and Mexico. The primary advantage of this option is the significant financial savings, as the cost of living and wages in these countries are usually lower. However, challenges can arise from differences in time zones, language, and cultural nuances, which may impact communication and project management.

Evaluate Portfolio and Interview the Candidates 

It's vital to evaluate portfolios, as they offer insights into technical proficiency, creativity, and experience with past projects. It's a window into how the programmer approaches problem-solving, code quality, and the ability to handle various aspects of web development. You should look for evidence of work with Laravel, including code samples, live websites, and detailed case studies that show their expertise. 

After examining the portfolio, you can schedule an interview if you find the candidate appealing. This part is equally important, as it allows you to gauge the developer's technical knowledge and soft skills like communication and collaboration. During the interview, consider asking questions that cover a range of topics. For instance, inquire about their experience with Laravel's MVC architecture and how they have implemented it in previous projects. Ask them to explain how they manage database migrations or how they have utilised Eloquent ORM for database operations. It's also insightful to discuss their approach to building RESTful APIs and their strategies for ensuring the safety of web applications.

Other valuable questions include their experience with front-end technologies, their handling version control with Git in a team environment, and their approach to testing and debugging. You might also ask about a challenging project they have worked on, how they optimised the application's performance, or their experience with deployment using tools like Laravel Forge or Envoyer.

Agree on a Contract and Sign an NDA

Signing both a contract and a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is critical in securing a Laravel developer for your project. The contract should clearly define the following:

  • Scope of work
  • Deliverables
  • Timelines
  • Payment terms
  • Any other specific requirements pertinent to the project

It's necessary to ensure that both parties have an understanding of the expectations and responsibilities. This clarity helps in avoiding misunderstandings and sets a professional tone for the working relationship.

An NDA is equally important, especially when your project involves sensitive information or proprietary technologies. It legally binds the developer to confidentiality, protecting your business's intellectual property and trade secrets. To this end, the NDA should specify what constitutes confidential information and the obligations of the programmer regarding the use and protection of these details. 

Having these legal documents in place not only secures your business interests but also demonstrates a commitment to professionalism and mutual respect in the business relationship.

Hire Experienced Laravel Developers From Deazy

At Deazy, we offer comprehensive software development and consulting services to a diverse clientele, including VC-backed scale-ups and major enterprises. Our global network of tech professionals includes software programmers, QA experts, project managers, testers, and DevOps engineers. Essentially, all the talents necessary to build a robust software solution tailored to your needs. 

For businesses seeking Laravel developers, we provide access to top-quality, certified professionals who are technically proficient and culturally aligned, ensuring smooth project integration. We also excel in delivering full-stack programmers who are versatile in both front-end and back-end development if you need a complete website development solution.

Here are some benefits of engaging Laravel developers from our team:

  • Thorough Vetting Process: We employ an extensive vetting procedure, rigorously assessing technical skills, compatibility, and security measures. This ensures that only the highest calibre talent is included in our talent pool, guaranteeing quality and expertise.
  • Flexible Engagement Models: Deazy offers a variety of customisable engagement options to suit your unique needs. Whether it's hiring for a specific project, augmenting your existing unit with our adept remote developers, or forming a dedicated development team for ongoing collaboration, we tailor our services to your requirements.
  • Guaranteed Delivery: In the rare instance that a programmer does not align with your expectations, we ensure a seamless replacement at no extra cost. This commitment makes sure that you consistently receive top-tier service.
  • Managed Teams: Our internal delivery managers play a pivotal role in successfully executing each project. They meticulously oversee all aspects, from start to finish, ensuring that the project aligns perfectly with your specifications and objectives.

Ready to hire a Laravel developer? Get in touch with our team


Hiring the right Laravel developer is a strategic process that involves understanding your needs, exploring various sourcing channels, and carefully evaluating candidates' technical and soft skills. By considering factors such as experience level, geographical location, and cultural fit, and by ensuring legal agreements like contracts and NDAs are in place, you can secure a professional who has the expertise to bring your project to life. 

Furthermore, if you need help navigating this process or are looking for top-tier, pre-vetted professionals, contact Deazy today. Our team is ready to help you hire a Laravel developer for your distinct needs.


Does Laravel have a future?

Laravel, with its robust features, scalability, and strong community support, continues to be a popular PHP framework, suggesting a promising future in web development and enterprise solutions.

How do I hire a Laravel developer?

To hire a skilled programmer, first identify your project's specific needs. Then, search for potential candidates through professional networks, job boards, and developer communities. Next, evaluate their portfolios and conduct thorough interviews. Finally, formalise the engagement with a well-defined contract and a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

Do big companies use Laravel?

Yes, many large companies use it because of its scalability, security, and efficiency in building complex applications, making it a preferred choice for enterprise-level web development.

